Friday, July 2, 2010

See? I am bad at this!

Seriously, I am terrible at remembering to blog. So let's catch everyone up. Elias is almost 11 months old and has started to walk. He is very timid about it but just last night he took 3 steps from the safety of holding onto a chair to getting to my legs. It was very exciting. The other day, he took 2 steps to get to his friend Charlotte. She did not, of course, enjoy being a support for him so he did fall down. But it's exciting that he is growing up! I am trying to enjoy all the little things but I can't wait until he starts actually walking!!! Woohoo!
His vocabulary is up to about 12 words which is really exciting. The most recent additions are "Baba (bottle)" and "Juice".
Tomorrow we are heading to family camp at Crystal Springs Bible Camp and then on Sunday, we start our really long excursion to Chicago. I really hope it will be fun!

Full vocab:
1. Mama
2. Dada
3. All Done
4. More
5. Please
6. Dog
7. Jack
8. No-No
9. Nana
10. Up
11. Baba
12. Juice

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