Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break Trip

On March 17th, my mom, Elias and I took a short drive to Rochester, MN (about 5 hours). I planned the whole trip out around his nap times so that it wouldn't be a miserable trip for us. However, a half an hour into the drive he woke up. I figured this was going to be a disaster but he turned out to be a really great traveler as long as you keep handing him different toys periodically and try to entertain him. I also have perfected the art of nursing a baby who is still strapped into a carseat, all while still traveling down the highway. We made it to Rochester in record timing and had a stayed with our friends: Pam, Dan and Jordan Halvorsen. It was a really relaxing and lovely time. The first day we were there was 65 degrees! We enjoyed walks and sitting outside on the stoop, watching the world pass by. On Friday, Ben drove to Rochester to meet us. Saturday morning, Elias, Ben and I drove up to the cities and stayed in a hotel in Eden Prairie. We visited the Mall of America and when we returned to the room, we all took a lovely nap. The rest of the day we spent hanging out in the hotel room, playing with some new toys Elias had gotten at them all and just enjoying stress free time with each other. For supper, Ben decided to get take out food from Olive Garden. So I put Eli to bed around 9 and when he was asleep, we crawled into the big bed and dined on lovely Italian food. It was actually really fun and romantic. Sunday we got in the car around 10:00 am and drove to Albertville to do some more shopping. Then a lazy drive home. It was really a great little vacation. Here are some photos from the trip.  
Pam, Elias and I at the park
Nana & Elias
Elias stole my English Muffin and made a mess in the hotel!
Out on a walk with Pam
A tree in the Park
Kisses in the sunshine
Pam tickling Elias
Cool ornament outside Pam's house

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